Friday, August 23, 2019

Problem Identifier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Problem Identifier - Essay Example The quality of care availed to clients seeking medical attention and care in this institution is of utmost importance. The hospital staff ensures ethical considerations in evaluating, examining, and in making health care related resolutions geared towards the improvement of services. As it is common knowledge, being admitted in a hospital is no joke and is therefore hard and complicated to both the patient and family members. In consideration of these factors, observing and respecting the needs and requirements of the patients is important (Rosner, 2007). This paper describes ethical issues as a challenge to the Mount Sinai administration. Rosner (2007) further asserts that before any treatment commences, it is important for a health care practitioners administering care to ensure that all personal and medical information associated and as well provided by the patient is treated with utmost confidentiality. Certain well established health institutions such as Mount Sinai further acts as training institutions for students aspiring to become doctors as well as other practitioners. These institutions are also target by international bodies involved in conducting health related research. In such case, it is very difficult to main confidentiality of patients’ information. This is one of the challenges that I faced by the administration in Mount Sinai Hospital. ... There is certain information regarding a patient that can bring negative consequences. For instance, individuals suffering from HIV/AIDS are sometimes stigmatized. Making public the HIV status of an individual can therefore lead to stigmatization. Maintaining confidentiality of patients’ records is regarded beneficial as it avails or presents clients with safe and comfortable surrounding that encourages them to seek for medical attention. It is very difficult for people to seek medical attention in a particular health institution if they are aware of the fact that their personal medical information will fall into the hands of the public. An individual is also likely to open up completely to a physician if s/he is sure that his/her medical information will be treated with utmost confidentiality (Title, 2000). It is also important to posit that confidentiality boosts the confidence of individuals seeking treatment and it is also a means of articulating value, admiration, and hig h opinions towards patients. Extent and impact Researchers have always inquired for patient’s information for methodical investigations every other day in this health institution. Students are always involved in the treatment and decision making processes of patients’ care because it is the only way they can learn and gain medical experience. There are few cases where these learners and researchers have been involved in diverging private information regarding the patients either intentionally or unintentionally. Breach of confidentiality has its disadvantages or impacts. Physicians and other medical practitioners found guilty of breaching confidentiality in a court of law are punished and their medical license can be

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