Monday, August 19, 2019

Ethics in the Development of the Global Environment: Perception of Those in Power :: Essays Papers

Ethics in the Development of the Global Environment: Perception of Those in Power The mid-twentieth century was a powerful and revolutionary time in the history of the United States of America. It marked the beginning of the United States’ transition from a country that was built and perpetuated on biases and discrimination to a nation that was being inspired by and began to adopt new ideas of equality and social justice. During this period of time, various concerned individuals came together to form a variety of groups and organizations that committed themselves to bringing about these newly proposed social changes. These groups strove to make America aware of the social injustices that were, and to some extent, still are present in its society. Moreover these organizations made it of utmost priority to take the necessary measures to exterminate these injustices. These groups, while all striving for civil rights often had different fundamental ideas and beliefs as to what was the most beneficial set of circumstances for black Americans. This aspect of the Civil Rights Movement has proven to be the most problematic and consequently, has caused an immense amount of turmoil and disunity not only between white and black Americans but between people of the same race and ethnicity as well. Throughout history, it has proven to be a fact that power is a threat to power. In this, I mean that people who manage to acquire even the slightest amount of power are a threat to those who have established themselves in a position of power. Thus, those who are in these positions of power attempt to retain this power by depriving others of it. Slave masters, for example, deprived their slaves of the powers of knowledge and music in order to keep them ignorant and unable to communicate over distances, understand much vital information, or band together to overturn the established hierarchy of power. Furthermore, those slaves who rebelled, disobeyed, or challenged the slave master’s power were severely beaten, maimed, or killed; while those that took part in more subtle forms of disobedience, such as â€Å"accidentally† breaking farming utensils or failing to meet their quotas of work were often overlooked or perhaps slightly punished. While to simply disobey as th e passive aggressive slaves did was seen as unacceptable; the slaves that ran away or attempted murder on their masters acted in a new revolutionary manner. Ethics in the Development of the Global Environment: Perception of Those in Power :: Essays Papers Ethics in the Development of the Global Environment: Perception of Those in Power The mid-twentieth century was a powerful and revolutionary time in the history of the United States of America. It marked the beginning of the United States’ transition from a country that was built and perpetuated on biases and discrimination to a nation that was being inspired by and began to adopt new ideas of equality and social justice. During this period of time, various concerned individuals came together to form a variety of groups and organizations that committed themselves to bringing about these newly proposed social changes. These groups strove to make America aware of the social injustices that were, and to some extent, still are present in its society. Moreover these organizations made it of utmost priority to take the necessary measures to exterminate these injustices. These groups, while all striving for civil rights often had different fundamental ideas and beliefs as to what was the most beneficial set of circumstances for black Americans. This aspect of the Civil Rights Movement has proven to be the most problematic and consequently, has caused an immense amount of turmoil and disunity not only between white and black Americans but between people of the same race and ethnicity as well. Throughout history, it has proven to be a fact that power is a threat to power. In this, I mean that people who manage to acquire even the slightest amount of power are a threat to those who have established themselves in a position of power. Thus, those who are in these positions of power attempt to retain this power by depriving others of it. Slave masters, for example, deprived their slaves of the powers of knowledge and music in order to keep them ignorant and unable to communicate over distances, understand much vital information, or band together to overturn the established hierarchy of power. Furthermore, those slaves who rebelled, disobeyed, or challenged the slave master’s power were severely beaten, maimed, or killed; while those that took part in more subtle forms of disobedience, such as â€Å"accidentally† breaking farming utensils or failing to meet their quotas of work were often overlooked or perhaps slightly punished. While to simply disobey as th e passive aggressive slaves did was seen as unacceptable; the slaves that ran away or attempted murder on their masters acted in a new revolutionary manner.

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