Monday, September 30, 2019

A Difficult Decision

Decision making is one of the hardest things a human being can do for themselves. The decisions people make, they do to either better themselves or worsen themselves. Decision making could be: what college someone’s going to or making a big change in their lives like moving. Others would make a bad decision, whether it’s ignoring good advice or going as far as doing drugs. Some people would make decisions because of the situation there in and is an impulse decision, but sometimes it turns out good.Decision MakingFor four and a half years, I thought my mother was actually starting to change, but, in reality I misled myself into believing something that wasn’t true. I was a responsible student, worked and thought everything was going well and where I wanted it to be. The last few months that I lived with my mother and step-father, everything went spiraling into complete and total chaos. The last week, was the worst and best thing that has ever happened for me, and also the most difficult decision of my life. The start of everythingIn July of 2013, my life started to spiral out of control, I just graduated high school and was looking for work consistently. My mother insisted that I pay rent, every week until I could find my own place to live; at first I didn’t mind that, I just needed to find a job and fast. I luckily found a job a month later, I was doing very well there and then I got second job. I wasn’t making that much money and my mom kept insisting that the rent I’m supposed to pay, is more than the last time.I barely made the amount she wanted me to pay a week, so I tried to find other things I could possibly do to make more money; I was out of luck. My mom and I started to argue a lot over the littlest things. I was trying to get myself out of that house as soon as possible, the living conditions were very bad no matter what I would  try to do, no food, filthy house. I was never home to do any of the cleaning be cause I was always at work or on my spare time see the people I really care about; but, it started to get worse.Getting worseAs the months started to drag on bye, my living situation became increasingly worse. I had found out that my mother and her husband were doing drugs. I really didn’t appreciate the way they used me and thought I was stupid enough to believe they weren’t doing anything. They started accusing me of stealing things, and doing things that I never even thought about doing. One day my mother called the police on me and she had told the police officer that I had attacked her. This was the most hurtful thing imaginable, my own mother, calling the police on me.What happened was, I wanted the money I had lent to her back ($50), I needed the money for some food, she kept resisting giving me my money back; I saw the money laying on the counter, so I went and got it and she, repeatedly kicked me in the stomach and bit me. Never once, would I ever put a hand o n my mother. I’m really glad I had people in my life that would take care of me whenever I needed a helping hand.The evictionThe last week that I saw my mother was the day I received an eviction notice from her, right before Christmas. I was very hurt and I had no idea what to do, I’ve never been in this situation before; I was scared. She said that I didn’t do anything around the house to help, so I had to go. I Know why she evicted me and I hope that someday that she will get the help that she needs. A couple of days after I had received the eviction notice, I found a place to live. It was not an easy move, but it was the best choice I have ever made. On December 7, 2013 I said my final goodbyes to my mother and have not seen or mumbled a single word to her, since that day.Where I wentPeople, who I’m not even related to, treated me just like their family. I call her my aunt Tonya; she has been sheltering me since that day. She offered me a place to stay , and I took the offer. The difficult decision was that I had to move an hour and a half away, from my family and friends. They all understood, and want me to succeed in life, and show people I will make something of myself and prove the people that told me I couldn’t wrong. Now,  I’m focusing better on school, and plan to succeed.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Critique Oedipus Rex

Yair Lopez Prof. Madara 2/27/2012 Section 07 Critique of Oedipus Rex Is Oedipus Rex one of the most important pieces of literature of all time? This Athenian tragedy was written by Sophocles and was first performed in 449 BC. This piece is about a king named Oedipus who in the course of the story finds out that he killed his father and married his mother.I enjoyed a lot of parts of this story especially when he made the decision you leave Corinth because he was told about the prophecy and when he was worried about the Thebe’s citizens and wanted to do anything possible to end their suffering; however I was not too excited about the ending of the story. The Story began with Oedipus being surrounded by Thebes’s citizens who were suffering because of a plague that was invading their territory. In order for the plague to be gone an oracle said that the murderer of Laius must be driven out.In a long quest to find Laius’s murderer Tiresias, a blind prophet, reveals to Oedipus that he is the one that killed Laius, who is his father, and married Jocasta, his mother. When they finally found out that the prophecy was right, Jocasta killed herself and Oedipus took his eyes off. This would summarize most important parts of this classic piece. One of the things I liked in this story is the decision of Oedipus of leaving his hometown Corinth because he thought that that way he was going to protect the ones he thought who were his parents (942-957).I personally admired this character’s decision because it is not easy to leave your hometown with the people you love for their own safety. If I was in Oedipus’s predicament I really wouldn’t knew what to do. He proved that he is the kind of person that does whatever it takes for the safety of their love ones and a person with the mentality should be praised. This is one of the events I liked the most in this masterpiece. Another event that I enjoyed was when he cared about his citizens and wanted the plague to be over to end their suffering (249-320).Not too many kings are known for their caring and consideration of their own people, but Oedipus proved that he is not the stereotypical cruel king and he wanted to do everything he could to end his people’s suffering. Nowadays we have in some countries presidents that really care about neither the health nor the life of their citizens. In my opinion, in order to be an admirable leader, that person must care about their people jus like if they were their own family and Oedipus in this is the perfect example of an admirable and honorable leader.With leaders like him this this world would be a better place. This event is the one I most like about this story because we don’t see too many king concerning about their people like Oedipus did. In every story there’s a part that the reader either doesn’t like or knows that something could be better. In my opinion, the end of the story could be a lot b etter than what it is. The story ends with Jocasta committing suicide and Oedipus taking his eyes off (1475-1586). During the whole story I was thinking of how will the story end and was impatiently waiting to read the ending of the story.When I finished reading the story I was disappointed and I started thinking in better endings that this story could have. Every story is always recognized in the way it ends because that’s the part that the reader is always waiting for and the whole reason we read the entire piece is to knoe the end of all the drama. With this being said, a better ending of this story in my opinion would transform this from a good to a great literary piece. This was the only thing I disliked about the story, but unfortunately for me the ending is the most important part of the story.In conclusion, Oedipus Rex is a very entertaining and enjoyable piece of literature who could be a little better by just putting more effort and creativity. The answer to the que stion stated in the introduction is that is definitely one of the best literary pieces ever, but the best of all time is too much for it. However, if I has to recommend a book this one will be without a doubt one of my considerations, especially to a politician, even though I know they will be disappointed with the ending of it. Work Cited Page Oedipus Rex. Vol. 1. Ed. Peter Simon. Second ed. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company Inc. , 1956. 570-613. Print.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Compare Contrast Essay

It is unfathomable to think about a time when all the knowledge on Earth was ;t a t our fingertips. Even worse is a planet where we can't even reach others in seconds. The inter net allows us to experience the world from the comfort of our homes. As farfetched as a world d without the internet may sound, none of the above existed only ten years ago. Even though h life without internet may seem unimaginable, there are advantages and disadvantages to the life we live today with Internet and life before the internet. One advantage to the internet is the fact that research has become much ease ere.Details, facts, and figures on any topic can be found with a few movements of our Finn errs. The internet has not only made research easier, but it has also allowed more information f mound on the internet as compared to a local library, the main source of information before the intent rent. Also, we can now affirm the accuracy of information by having various different sources. AH though this was possible before the internet, it is much easier to do this with this amazing NV mention. However, there is one major drawback to this luxury we have because of the internet. N Thing online is trustworthy.Even websites that are supposed to be trusted and are supposed to be reliable are not full of reliable information. Even major websites that are run by big companies s are using writing firms to write their websites. These writing firms are simply hiring the cheap SST freelancers to do their work for them. It is true that the Internet has made it easier to find out b Asia facts such as the location of places, but even that information is commonly incorrect (as Go ogle Maps will readily prove). Long gone are days when people would spend hours on end in the library try Eng to figure out the Dewey Decimal System.It is as if we must solve a tricky puzzle just to unlock information. Simply locating information was a hassle and trying to find multi peel so recess to prove a statement was very time consuming. In order to find information, we must decide what information is the most important in a book and summarize this information. Although we have to do this even with information being so easily accessible on the internet, the internet provides useful summaries that assist in figuring out what information is actually imp rattan.Also, it obviously took either a car ride or a walk to get to a local library in order to fin d this information fore the internet. However, this wasn't always possible. Clearly, there were plenty of drawbacks to life before the internet. However, there is one major advantage to researching prior to the advent of the internet. When one found sources at a library, it is definite e that the sources are reliable because books are edited, revised, and backtracked by many differ rent people. One can definitely be more confident that the information in a library is way more reliable than the information on the internet.Another advantage to lif e after internet is the fact that communication has b come simple, easy, and convenient. Social media has allowed for people to remain n contact with their high school friends even after those people are married and have kids. This is beneficial because the more people we know, the more connections we can make, and the easies rite is for us to accomplish our goals. Also, an increased connection with other people allows for people to foster ideas together. For example, when a rare surgery is performed, the surgeon will sometimes broadcast the surgery through a Live Stream or a Google Hangout.If something Eng did go wrong during the surgery, surgeons can easily input their ideas and perhaps help the surgeon. The disadvantage of this is some people use the Internet too much and forgo real life contact. It may now be easier to keep in contact with friends, but it has removed any incentive e to visit those friends. People pay fewer visits to others because of their contact online. Face t offee contact is almost arguably necessary for people to maintain healthy social relationships. Also, the argument that online relationships may not be as strong as real life bonds could be mad e.It is really easy for a supposed friend online to not be who they appear to be. Even though the sees kinds of friends existed before the internet, this kind of fake relationship was unprecedented. Before the internet, people couldn't necessarily keep in touch with as many p people. Previously, the only way to reunite with high school friends was to meet at high h school reunions, which wasn't very convenient. However, the high school relationships that we re fostered were definitely more genuine than online relationships.If one was truly friends wit h someone before the internet came into play, one would put effort into phone calls and face to face visits. The advantage to life before the internet is that people got together more often a ND had to visit each there in order to talk. This fos tered a more friendly environment than a strict y online relationship. This also allowed people to develop social skills in real life and b e able to communicate adequately with others factored. Another advantage to life be fore the internet is that it is much harder for people to be mean in person than online.On social media, it is easy to quickly type a post and click send without feeling any guilt or remorse. However ere, before the internet existed people talked factored, so one could see the reaction of an other when one says something hurtful. This makes people consider if what they are doing is c erect. Lastly, the internet IS advantageous because one can literally see the world an d experience everything from the comfort of our homes. Video software like Y tube allow us to literally feel like we are also experiencing what the video is showing.This is try Lully amazing because people who aren't fortunate enough to travel can see what Also, grog cry shopping and other errands can now be done on the internet. This saves a lot of time and e effort. This convenience truly does make life easier. Life after the internet really doesn't r quire leaving the house. The internet has allowed people who normally wouldn't be able to Lear about and experience this incredible planet we live on to do just those things. It truly is a amazing. However, the drawback to this is that there are less people in the world actually seeing t Hess things.There is no comparison to the real thing and what we see online. It looks as though the same thing is totally distinctive from the other. The advantage to life before the internet is that people were encouraged to g 0 out and see the actual beauty of the world and not on a computer screen. Fewer people w ant to this now because everything that these places offer can is supposedly found on the into rent. Before the internet, people had a truly authentic appreciation for nature and the beauty of our world. It was easy to escape from reality and seek comfort in the vast outdoors.Going outs did was like emptying a bag full of bricks that one is forced to carry around. With the inter net, people are too involved in their technology to realize that the outdoors could perhaps relieve some of the stress that the internet is supposed to relieve. Also, life before the internet was diva montages because people set goals to visit places and do the things that internet simulates today These locations that can now be visited virtually motivated people to excel in their careers an d gain financial security in order to one day visit those places.The disadvantage to this is that less people get to experience the extraordinary Earth and everyone on this planet deserves to s e this beautiful planet. In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages for life before and after the I internet are distinctive, but there is no way to pick one lifestyle over the other. It is import ant to exploit the advantages of the internet, but we m ust also remember to not let our lives re love around the internet. Compare Contrast Essay It is unfathomable to think about a time when all the knowledge on Earth was ;t a t our fingertips. Even worse is a planet where we can't even reach others in seconds. The inter net allows us to experience the world from the comfort of our homes. As farfetched as a world d without the internet may sound, none of the above existed only ten years ago. Even though h life without internet may seem unimaginable, there are advantages and disadvantages to the life we live today with Internet and life before the internet. One advantage to the internet is the fact that research has become much ease ere.Details, facts, and figures on any topic can be found with a few movements of our Finn errs. The internet has not only made research easier, but it has also allowed more information f mound on the internet as compared to a local library, the main source of information before the intent rent. Also, we can now affirm the accuracy of information by having various different sources. AH though this was possible before the internet, it is much easier to do this with this amazing NV mention. However, there is one major drawback to this luxury we have because of the internet. N Thing online is trustworthy.Even websites that are supposed to be trusted and are supposed to be reliable are not full of reliable information. Even major websites that are run by big companies s are using writing firms to write their websites. These writing firms are simply hiring the cheap SST freelancers to do their work for them. It is true that the Internet has made it easier to find out b Asia facts such as the location of places, but even that information is commonly incorrect (as Go ogle Maps will readily prove). Long gone are days when people would spend hours on end in the library try Eng to figure out the Dewey Decimal System.It is as if we must solve a tricky puzzle just to unlock information. Simply locating information was a hassle and trying to find multi peel so recess to prove a statement was very time consuming. In order to find information, we must decide what information is the most important in a book and summarize this information. Although we have to do this even with information being so easily accessible on the internet, the internet provides useful summaries that assist in figuring out what information is actually imp rattan.Also, it obviously took either a car ride or a walk to get to a local library in order to fin d this information fore the internet. However, this wasn't always possible. Clearly, there were plenty of drawbacks to life before the internet. However, there is one major advantage to researching prior to the advent of the internet. When one found sources at a library, it is definite e that the sources are reliable because books are edited, revised, and backtracked by many differ rent people. One can definitely be more confident that the information in a library is way more reliable than the information on the internet.Another advantage to lif e after internet is the fact that communication has b come simple, easy, and convenient. Social media has allowed for people to remain n contact with their high school friends even after those people are married and have kids. This is beneficial because the more people we know, the more connections we can make, and the easies rite is for us to accomplish our goals. Also, an increased connection with other people allows for people to foster ideas together. For example, when a rare surgery is performed, the surgeon will sometimes broadcast the surgery through a Live Stream or a Google Hangout.If something Eng did go wrong during the surgery, surgeons can easily input their ideas and perhaps help the surgeon. The disadvantage of this is some people use the Internet too much and forgo real life contact. It may now be easier to keep in contact with friends, but it has removed any incentive e to visit those friends. People pay fewer visits to others because of their contact online. Face t offee contact is almost arguably necessary for people to maintain healthy social relationships. Also, the argument that online relationships may not be as strong as real life bonds could be mad e.It is really easy for a supposed friend online to not be who they appear to be. Even though the sees kinds of friends existed before the internet, this kind of fake relationship was unprecedented. Before the internet, people couldn't necessarily keep in touch with as many p people. Previously, the only way to reunite with high school friends was to meet at high h school reunions, which wasn't very convenient. However, the high school relationships that we re fostered were definitely more genuine than online relationships.If one was truly friends wit h someone before the internet came into play, one would put effort into phone calls and face to face visits. The advantage to life before the internet is that people got together more often a ND had to visit each there in order to talk. This fos tered a more friendly environment than a strict y online relationship. This also allowed people to develop social skills in real life and b e able to communicate adequately with others factored. Another advantage to life be fore the internet is that it is much harder for people to be mean in person than online.On social media, it is easy to quickly type a post and click send without feeling any guilt or remorse. However ere, before the internet existed people talked factored, so one could see the reaction of an other when one says something hurtful. This makes people consider if what they are doing is c erect. Lastly, the internet IS advantageous because one can literally see the world an d experience everything from the comfort of our homes. Video software like Y tube allow us to literally feel like we are also experiencing what the video is showing.This is try Lully amazing because people who aren't fortunate enough to travel can see what Also, grog cry shopping and other errands can now be done on the internet. This saves a lot of time and e effort. This convenience truly does make life easier. Life after the internet really doesn't r quire leaving the house. The internet has allowed people who normally wouldn't be able to Lear about and experience this incredible planet we live on to do just those things. It truly is a amazing. However, the drawback to this is that there are less people in the world actually seeing t Hess things.There is no comparison to the real thing and what we see online. It looks as though the same thing is totally distinctive from the other. The advantage to life before the internet is that people were encouraged to g 0 out and see the actual beauty of the world and not on a computer screen. Fewer people w ant to this now because everything that these places offer can is supposedly found on the into rent. Before the internet, people had a truly authentic appreciation for nature and the beauty of our world. It was easy to escape from reality and seek comfort in the vast outdoors.Going outs did was like emptying a bag full of bricks that one is forced to carry around. With the inter net, people are too involved in their technology to realize that the outdoors could perhaps relieve some of the stress that the internet is supposed to relieve. Also, life before the internet was diva montages because people set goals to visit places and do the things that internet simulates today These locations that can now be visited virtually motivated people to excel in their careers an d gain financial security in order to one day visit those places.The disadvantage to this is that less people get to experience the extraordinary Earth and everyone on this planet deserves to s e this beautiful planet. In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages for life before and after the I internet are distinctive, but there is no way to pick one lifestyle over the other. It is import ant to exploit the advantages of the internet, but we m ust also remember to not let our lives re love around the internet. Compare Contrast Essay It is unfathomable to think about a time when all the knowledge on Earth was ;t a t our fingertips. Even worse is a planet where we can't even reach others in seconds. The inter net allows us to experience the world from the comfort of our homes. As farfetched as a world d without the internet may sound, none of the above existed only ten years ago. Even though h life without internet may seem unimaginable, there are advantages and disadvantages to the life we live today with Internet and life before the internet. One advantage to the internet is the fact that research has become much ease ere.Details, facts, and figures on any topic can be found with a few movements of our Finn errs. The internet has not only made research easier, but it has also allowed more information f mound on the internet as compared to a local library, the main source of information before the intent rent. Also, we can now affirm the accuracy of information by having various different sources. AH though this was possible before the internet, it is much easier to do this with this amazing NV mention. However, there is one major drawback to this luxury we have because of the internet. N Thing online is trustworthy.Even websites that are supposed to be trusted and are supposed to be reliable are not full of reliable information. Even major websites that are run by big companies s are using writing firms to write their websites. These writing firms are simply hiring the cheap SST freelancers to do their work for them. It is true that the Internet has made it easier to find out b Asia facts such as the location of places, but even that information is commonly incorrect (as Go ogle Maps will readily prove). Long gone are days when people would spend hours on end in the library try Eng to figure out the Dewey Decimal System.It is as if we must solve a tricky puzzle just to unlock information. Simply locating information was a hassle and trying to find multi peel so recess to prove a statement was very time consuming. In order to find information, we must decide what information is the most important in a book and summarize this information. Although we have to do this even with information being so easily accessible on the internet, the internet provides useful summaries that assist in figuring out what information is actually imp rattan.Also, it obviously took either a car ride or a walk to get to a local library in order to fin d this information fore the internet. However, this wasn't always possible. Clearly, there were plenty of drawbacks to life before the internet. However, there is one major advantage to researching prior to the advent of the internet. When one found sources at a library, it is definite e that the sources are reliable because books are edited, revised, and backtracked by many differ rent people. One can definitely be more confident that the information in a library is way more reliable than the information on the internet.Another advantage to lif e after internet is the fact that communication has b come simple, easy, and convenient. Social media has allowed for people to remain n contact with their high school friends even after those people are married and have kids. This is beneficial because the more people we know, the more connections we can make, and the easies rite is for us to accomplish our goals. Also, an increased connection with other people allows for people to foster ideas together. For example, when a rare surgery is performed, the surgeon will sometimes broadcast the surgery through a Live Stream or a Google Hangout.If something Eng did go wrong during the surgery, surgeons can easily input their ideas and perhaps help the surgeon. The disadvantage of this is some people use the Internet too much and forgo real life contact. It may now be easier to keep in contact with friends, but it has removed any incentive e to visit those friends. People pay fewer visits to others because of their contact online. Face t offee contact is almost arguably necessary for people to maintain healthy social relationships. Also, the argument that online relationships may not be as strong as real life bonds could be mad e.It is really easy for a supposed friend online to not be who they appear to be. Even though the sees kinds of friends existed before the internet, this kind of fake relationship was unprecedented. Before the internet, people couldn't necessarily keep in touch with as many p people. Previously, the only way to reunite with high school friends was to meet at high h school reunions, which wasn't very convenient. However, the high school relationships that we re fostered were definitely more genuine than online relationships.If one was truly friends wit h someone before the internet came into play, one would put effort into phone calls and face to face visits. The advantage to life before the internet is that people got together more often a ND had to visit each there in order to talk. This fos tered a more friendly environment than a strict y online relationship. This also allowed people to develop social skills in real life and b e able to communicate adequately with others factored. Another advantage to life be fore the internet is that it is much harder for people to be mean in person than online.On social media, it is easy to quickly type a post and click send without feeling any guilt or remorse. However ere, before the internet existed people talked factored, so one could see the reaction of an other when one says something hurtful. This makes people consider if what they are doing is c erect. Lastly, the internet IS advantageous because one can literally see the world an d experience everything from the comfort of our homes. Video software like Y tube allow us to literally feel like we are also experiencing what the video is showing.This is try Lully amazing because people who aren't fortunate enough to travel can see what Also, grog cry shopping and other errands can now be done on the internet. This saves a lot of time and e effort. This convenience truly does make life easier. Life after the internet really doesn't r quire leaving the house. The internet has allowed people who normally wouldn't be able to Lear about and experience this incredible planet we live on to do just those things. It truly is a amazing. However, the drawback to this is that there are less people in the world actually seeing t Hess things.There is no comparison to the real thing and what we see online. It looks as though the same thing is totally distinctive from the other. The advantage to life before the internet is that people were encouraged to g 0 out and see the actual beauty of the world and not on a computer screen. Fewer people w ant to this now because everything that these places offer can is supposedly found on the into rent. Before the internet, people had a truly authentic appreciation for nature and the beauty of our world. It was easy to escape from reality and seek comfort in the vast outdoors.Going outs did was like emptying a bag full of bricks that one is forced to carry around. With the inter net, people are too involved in their technology to realize that the outdoors could perhaps relieve some of the stress that the internet is supposed to relieve. Also, life before the internet was diva montages because people set goals to visit places and do the things that internet simulates today These locations that can now be visited virtually motivated people to excel in their careers an d gain financial security in order to one day visit those places.The disadvantage to this is that less people get to experience the extraordinary Earth and everyone on this planet deserves to s e this beautiful planet. In conclusion, the advantages and disadvantages for life before and after the I internet are distinctive, but there is no way to pick one lifestyle over the other. It is import ant to exploit the advantages of the internet, but we m ust also remember to not let our lives re love around the internet.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Taj Mahal - An Artist's view Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Taj Mahal - An Artist's view - Research Paper Example The Taj Mahal is considered a symbol of love, an architectural marvel, and as a symbol of the Mughal Empire. It has found expression in the poetry and art of numerous poets and artists. The Noble laureate Rabindranath Tagore has described it â€Å"like a solitary tear suspended on the cheek of time†. The Taj Mahal is India’s foremost tourist’s destination. The Taj Mahal was constructed in a span of 16 years (1632-1648 AD), employing about 20,000 workers, in an area of 17 hectares. After the construction of Taj Mahal was over other buildings and structures of the complex such as the mosque, the mosque’s replica, main gate and the garden were developed. When the Taj Mahal was built it had a flowing river Yamuna passing through its foot. But, now, the Taj stands near the Yamuna which is polluted and has shrunk to some extent. The Taj building now shows some signs of ageing, but it still stands out as a magnificent building with its original beauty and grandeur. Looking at Taj Mahal from a long distance across the Yamuna River, the Taj appears as a distinct structure in a crowded city. The first view of Taj from outside gives the impression of a white structure that is delicate, superfine, not of this world, an exquisite beauty, and eternal. There is a feeling, if this large structure that it is, really true and existing! All other structures available in the Taj complex are supportive, are in line with the bilateral symmetry and style, so the entire complex merges into oneness. The Taj complex is spread in the vast area of sprawling Mughal Garden of nearly 17 hectares, surrounded by high security wall built around it with four entrances. The main gate is situated in the southern side of the complex. With the southern main gate as a reference point, the Taj is located in the north of the garden, and further to the north is the river Yamuna. The placement of Taj Mahal in the north of the garden, instead of the center, gives

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Jewish Ghettos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Jewish Ghettos - Essay Example The Nazis were particularly skilled in manipulating the Jews, who believed that they were merely being transported to other concentration camps or ghettos for work.4 This paper aims to describe the Jewish ghettos during the Holocaust and begins with an overview of its purposes and characteristics. It also describes the transportation to the ghettos, the everyday conditions in it, and its effects on the Jews. The ghettos served to deceive the Jews, as it became the first step of dehumanizing and exterminating the Jewish race, but not all Jews succumbed to despair. Instead, Jewish survivors used hope, faith, ingenuity, and creativity to survive inhumane conditions in the ghettos. The ghettoization of the Jews The ghettos are different from concentration camps in several respects: they were used as temporary Jewish settlements that were prepared for work or death in concentration camps; they served to break the spirits of the Jews, so that they could no longer mount a strong resistance against the Germans; they provided free labor for Germans who needed the workforce to sustain the war; and they supported German plan for the dehumanization and extermination of the Jews.5 The ghettos forced Jews to work in squalid conditions, including the middle class and upper-class, who were professionals, thereby defeating their spirit and ensuring better control over them.6 Though the Nazis ordered self-regulation in the form of Jewish councils, the former still controlled details of everyday life in the ghettos, including forcing the Jews to wear six-pointed stars in their clothing, reducing access to food and other essentials, and controlling their mobility, as well as their access to news outside the ghettos.7 Not every ghetto is the same, however, and conditions varied greatly, depending on the nature and efforts of the ghetto leaders and several economic and social factors. Other ghettos lacked access to basic commodities, such as food and clothing, and services, such as hospitals, schools, and churches. Some examples are the Minsk and Lubcz ghettos.8 Other ghettos fared better, in terms of the Jews having opportunities to continue education and the practice of their religion in varying extents. Several examples are the Warsaw ghetto9 and Jewish ghetto in East Upper Silesia.10 Despite some advantages provided in a number of ghettos, the Jews remained slaves to their German captors. Because of their cramped houses and appalling work conditions, many Jews yielded to hopelessness too, especially after witnessing massive deaths, rapes, and plunder of their homes and communities.11 Transportation to the ghettos The Jews were mostly transported to the ghettos by train.12 When transferred to nearby ghettos, they walked on foot.13 The transportation stage triggered the process of dehumanizing the Jews. In Night, Elie Weisel was only fifteen years old, when he experienced several ghettos and concentration camps. He remembers the cramped conditions of the tra ins that signaled their loss of human rights and liberties. Moreover, the train was a place of violence and despondency: â€Å"Anti-Semitic acts take place every day in the streets, on the trains.†14 Even affluent Jews did not escape the hardships of transportation. As they were forced to leave their homes, they were stripped of their properties. Their relocation to the slums held symbolic meaning: they were no longer human

URBAN GEOGRAPHY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

URBAN GEOGRAPHY - Essay Example This study takes a look at the concept of segregation and its implication in the city of Detroit. By taking a look at the history of segregation in Detroit, the study also tries to understand the segregation patterns and the current day scenario of segregation in the city. As mentioned earlier, geographic segregation or more appropriately, residential segregation is the level or extend to which particular groups reside separately from one another, in a particular geographic area such as a city or state (Low, 2004). Segregation, in itself, is a complex phenomenon, where the groups are segregated in a number of ways. For example, people from a minority community reside in such a way that they are often overrepresented in some particular areas and underrepresented in some others (Yinger, 2001). In addition, the same community may be residing in such a manner that their exposure to the other groups is minimized (Yinger, 2001). Similarly, particular groups may be either concentrated or centralized in a certain limited space or clustered in one particular section (Yinger, 2001). There are also particular reasons because of which segregation takes place. For example, South Africa saw legal separation because of Apartheid. Similarly, in many other countries, segregation happens because of the social status in the society or the ethnicity of the people (Johnston and Poulson, 2005). Voluntary segregation is where immigrants prefer to live in a segregated set up so that they could mutually benefit from one another (Johnston and Poulson, 2005). Segregation is measured using Index of Dissimilarity (calculates the way in which particular groups are distributed across particular locations) based on that data that emerges through census. It is often called the index of inequality also (Reardon and O Sullivan, 2004). In the United States, periodic

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Lived experience interacting with organizations that highlights either Essay

Lived experience interacting with organizations that highlights either motivation or stress - Essay Example The impact of motivation manifests in the supermarket, which equally faces the challenge of ensuring that the employees are motivated to perform well. Motivation is not only a personal urge to perform but also a fundamental necessity for one’s success in life, and individuals must therefore know how to motivate themselves. This is so because the workplace has many challenges required to be overcome by individual employees, and hence the need for motivation. In light of this, the management of reference organizations bears the responsibility of knowing how to motivate the employees though the management unfortunately lacks control of the derived motivation. As a result, the employees have a duty to derive personal motivation and to control the motivation generated by the management with a view of boosting the overall performance of the organization. Motivation may refer to a psychological force that stimulates or reinforces action geared towards a specified direction for purpos es of attaining a certain goal. Motivation aims at controlling and ensuring persistence in all goal-directed behaviors. As seen above, motivation is an employee’s quest to satisfy or fulfill their personal need. Various theories seek to address motivation, but in this context, McClelland's Need Theory stands out. McClelland's Need Theory of motivation asserts that unsatisfied needs are the motivators of human actions. McClelland's Need Theory further acknowledges the different levels of needs that derive human motivation where individuals must satisfy specific lower needs before satisfying higher ones. Nevertheless, the theory notes that individuals must bear the will and get the opportunity to satisfy such needs for them to derive motivation. Employment in different organizations acts as a better opportunity and measure for motivation among individuals. Indeed, through my interactions with the employees and management at the supermarket, I got the opportunity to experience v arious needs and the resultant motivation among the employees. My experience allowed me to confirm the complexity of the motivation phenomenon and the needs of individuals, which form a good base to address motivation in an organization. Just as the needs theory highlights, only the unsatisfied needs influence behavior among employees working for different organizations. At the supermarket, I experienced individuals with different levels of motivation based on their unsatisfied needs and other factors. The low-paid employees and junior employees seemingly manifested very low levels of motivation probably because they had very many unsatisfied needs. An interview and consistent observation of the employees, during and after work, established that low pay and low job levels demotivate reference employees from performing better. On the other hand, the management, high-paid workers, and the senior employees of the supermarket had very high levels of motivation based on the comfort of th eir work status. The management, high-paid workers, and the senior employees kept urging, pressuring, and encouraging the seemingly poor motivated employees to perform better. It is arguably true that the need for higher pay, promotions, better working conditions, and recognition acted as a motivation for the employees to perform better at the supermarket. The need to be in control and influence other employees, search for a competitive position, and the need

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Does happiness change after life events Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Does happiness change after life events - Essay Example Instead of focusing on the aspects of subjectivity and objectivity, which leads researchers to distinguishing a few non-reducible features which are thought to contribute to the characteristic quality of life, one should first explore the ambiguity of the very notion of quality of human life. This is based on understanding that when people speak of the human life quality, they are most likely to have different things in their minds. The main idea of the article by Richard Lucas â€Å"Adaptation and the Set-Point Model of Subjective Well-Being: Does Happiness Change after Major Life Events?† is that despite the fact that happiness levels are quite stable over time, their stability does not actually preclude important and lasting changes (Lucas, 2007). Analysis of the evidence presented by authoritative longitudinal studies disproves the widely accepted belief that having experienced important life events, individuals typically adapt. It also disproves the point raised by set-po int theorists that due to impact of inborn personality factors, people inevitably get back to happiness set points which are genetically determined. While adaptation certainly occurs, levels of happiness undergo changes, and, finally, it is vital to bear in mind that life events have their own significance. Comparison of the two articles allows identifying a range of similarities between the two studies. First of all, their central theme is happiness. While Griffin (2007) focuses on the essence of the concept of happiness as the object of the research, Lucas (2007) centers on how happiness depends on major life events and studies patterns of happiness presented within individuals’ adaptation and the set-point model of individual well-being. The theoretical background is different, however. Specifically, Lucas (2007) study of happiness patterns relies heavily on the theory of adaptation. It says that people benefit from adaptation processes because the latter protect them from hazardous psychological and physiological outcomes of lengthy emotional states. On the other hand, owing to adaptation processes people may get distracted by new changes in the environment which will refocus them from the old threats within their emotional condition. It helps individuals to overcome difficulties and get happier under certain life circumstances. At the same time, people adapt to such factors as income, health, age, marital status, as well as number friends; so these, with time, have only a small impact on their happiness rates. Besides, the theory of adaptation posits that certain variables that account for people’s happiness, for example, a well-being variable, are hereditary. It means that people may not be severely affected by life events. Some scientists have come to conclusions that happiness was the matter of adaptation (comparison of two research groups – lottery winners and those with spinal cord injury – did not find any significant dif ferences in the levels of happiness, which was attributed to adaptation). On the other hand, their colleagues found that the levels of happiness were three quarters lower in people with spinal cord injury. On the contrary, Griffin (2007) relies on a range of models to investigate the meaning of the concept happiness. Namely, he uses the perception model, objective/subjective juxtaposition, and the test model. The studies are similar in their research

Monday, September 23, 2019

Applied Economics-Using SAS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Applied Economics-Using SAS - Assignment Example The theory of price mechanism is of significant role in the capital market as it determines the demand and supply in of various commodities. In this theory there are variables which help determine its applications. These variables are both independent and dependent. Just as the theory of supply there is a determinant of the supply which ranges depending on the demand. In planning for business based on this theory there is always seasons in which some products are in high demand than others. For example if we check the school products like books are in great demand during the time when students go to school, when we are planning for this case one needs to have these goods on store to prepare for the demand anticipated. The variables such as number of students in need of books and the quantity of books available, with this the books demand is dependent on the population of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hunting speech Essay Example for Free

Hunting speech Essay It’s 5-something in the morning when the alarm goes off. I force myself out of bed despite the fact that it’s Saturday morning. â€Å"You only get so many days like this,† I mumble. Thirty minutes later, my boots are crunching across the frost as I make my way towards my usual spot. I settle in and my heart rate slows as I sit in the pitch-black darkness, waiting for the world to wake up. I doze off for a few minutes and awake to the chorus of the woods as the sky turns gray, then pink. There is no Iphones, no TV, no conference calls, no  routine, no voices—just birds and squirrels going about their business. It’s close to 7 a. m. when I see gray shapes slip out of the tree line. The thrill that shoots up my spine wipes the November cold from my limbs. There’s something primal about the first sight of game. Alert and careful, the column of whitetail deer emerges for breakfast. A peek through the binoculars reveals they’re all does exactly what I’m looking for. I wait for them to calm down and start browsing on the edge between the forest and the field. Even from 100 yards away, the deer sense that something isn’t quite right. Every few seconds the lead doe’s head bolts upward with her eyes and ears locked on my location; her nostrils test the air but the wind is in my favor. I dare not blink. When her head eases down in search of another acorn I make my move, raising my gun slowly until I’m in a solid, seated position. I pull the stock tight to my shoulder and cheek, rest my triceps on my knees and dig my heels into the earth to anchor the whole package into a steady platform. I take a breath and exhale most of it as the crosshairs settle into a small orbit on her shoulder—it’s never as steady as  it is in the movies. I lose sight of her from the recoil of my gun after I take my shot. The sound of the bullet’s impact echoes across the thick morning air and lets me know that bullet found its mark. There’s a sense of elation as I approach her, but there’s no high-fiving or celebration. There’s just a quiet moment between hunter and the deer. This is hunting. In your lifetime I want you to experience hunting, and here are my reasons why. 1. It’s safe According to data collected by the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), hunting with a gun is the  third-safest sport when compared to 28 other popular sports, and has a lower injury rate than golf, volleyball and tackle football. 2. It’s healthy Not only is venison free of man-made chemicals, but obtaining it through hunting can be good exercise for the body and the mind. Hunting isn’t just about the kill—being afield helps us get reacquainted with the sights and sounds of the outdoors. It also allows us to step off the grid and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, which can be a refreshing change of pace for many. 3. It helps the planet of habitat preservation and improvement. And according to the national wildlife federation Each year, sportsmen contribute $7. 5 million per day toward wild life conservation. 4. It’s good for the species Habitat loss has eroded the natural range of animals while agriculture has increased food supplies—the result is game populations that must be managed. If they’re not hunted, they’ll die of starvation or disease. Like it or not, as we increase our land use, proper game management becomes more important than ever. 5. It saves money and helps the economy Though you can spend thousands on gadgets and gear, putting food on the table can be done on a shoestring budget, Fifty or so pounds of meat will make a lot family dinners. Hunters are a generous group of people— if you never have been hunting before, get an experience hunter to take you along and borrow what you can. Resident licenses and public land provide access at reasonable costs. And according to the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, hunting is responsible for 600,000 U. S jobs, $66 billion in economic activity and $10 billion in state and federal tax revenue. 6. Its a good way for your family to bond There are few better ways to spend quality time with your family than to sit in front of a TV. You will learn many things together by Revealing how important it is to be resourceful and self-sufficient is also one of the greatest life lessons. After today I hope you will consider going hunting in the near future, As you can see hunting is more than just killing animals. It’s safe It’s healthy It helps the planet- It’s good for the animal species It saves money and helps the economy Its good way for your family to bond.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Gender Inequality In Educational Sector Of Pakistan Sociology Essay

Gender Inequality In Educational Sector Of Pakistan Sociology Essay Education is considered to be the most valuable possession for every human being today. Gender inequality is more pronounced in Pakistan. Women are disadvantaged with respect to the outcomes of schooling. My literature review incorporates all the questions regarding sex differences and I have mainly focus on the issues that are central to the questions of gender inequality in educational sector. Research remains focused on secondary information. Literature review consists of 10 articles as follow. The introduction to this article( the status of women in Pakistan,1988) written by HAQ, attempts to state that women constitute the majority about 52% of the worlds population, yet many societies discriminate them and Pakistan is one of those. The article mainly discuses that women in the rural areas are made to work as long as 14 to 16 hours without payments. Their status is mainly based on local custom rather than QURANIC verses. In a traditional society women occupy really low status. There is a history of female in the subcontinent that women are expected to function within their frame work before marriage they had to obey their fathers and brothers and after marriage their husbands. Most of the women live in the state of withdrawal deprived of their identity and this is because of the lack of education and Pakistani women are denied due to social prestige and economic activity. The variables that are extracted from this article are local custom and lack of awareness. The author define these variables in such a manner that he focuses on reducing gender disparity, should be the priority of the society and this gender disparity can be reduced by eliminating the traditional practices that are held in a society for example women should have equal participation in the decision making and increase women knowledge on family planning as the article states that average number of live birth is 5.8, maternal mortality is very high at an estimated 500 out of 100,000 births. The article discusses the status of women in Pakistan and due to gender discrimination how they are lacking in education. Educated and independent women are more enthusiastic towards life and are capable of understanding modernized changes rather than illiterate under nutritive dependant women .furthermore the article discuses that gender discrimination is mainly because of the traditional customs they are following especially in the villages. Hypothesis: the status of women in Pakistan should be enhanced or not This article gender inequality in education written by Nelly P.Stromquist in 1990 focuses on womens access to education, both in terms of the decrease in the rate of literacy and in years of schooling attained, the article says that there has been improvement over time. Compared to their mothers and grandmothers, women today have more education than ever before. The enrollment of women in primary and secondary school has improved in the last 30 years, and women have registered a slightly greater rate of growth, as women have increased their average years of schooling. Despite all these fact, women still continue to face lower levels of education than men. Women in the third world countries are considered to be feminine and weak in terms of reward and social prestige. The author states that there are still a sizable number of countries that do not collect statistics by sex, particularly at higher levels of education, indicating thereby that they do not consider the improvement of wome ns education a priority. The rate or level of women participation in educational sector reveals that it is the women from low-income groups and low status, ethnic affiliation who register the lowest levels of education. Above stated are the variables that were extracted from the article: low income group, low ethnic affiliation, rate of dropping out. The author defines the variables in a way he says that most of the gender disparity which is observed across the societies is a result of class difference that fully explains why the gender disparity exists and persists. Furthermore the article discuses that there have been few studies that specifically distinguish inequalities due to gender from those due to class or race. A study by Rosemberg (1985) showed that the discrimination by income was more pronounced than the discrimination by race. There is a difference in the education of different social classes. The particular article is relevant to the topic in such a way it states that the schooling of daughter is not deemed worthwhile in front of the schooling of a son. And another major reason of women lacking in education is of high dropout rates of girls in primary and secondary schools. And this is mainly because of early marriages. Insufficient places in secondary school, co education cost of education and low quality of education of girls. Many of the studies in this category do not ask why it is that womens education is considered less important than that of men or why it is that the education of women is so pervasively linked by social norms to their role as wives and mothers. The methodology that was used in the article was viewing different theories about social inequalities in education, are those that are derived from either the functionalist (or consensual) or the conflict (or neo-Marxist) approaches. Hypothesis: is women education considered less important than men The article class and gender in education-employment linkage written by Hanna Papanek focuses on the impact of global economic and political changes on low income nations. Poor families that depend entirely on returns to labor in order to survive are most likely to require participation in wage labor (or labor exchange arrangements) by all household members, including men, women, and children. Under these circumstances, educational participation becomes very difficult for both male and female, but because males generally have a wider range of earning opportunities, they are more likely preferred than females to be allowed to attend school. On the other hand at class and income levels where families are less dependent on female wage labor, womens education is preferred little bit. Family status has a direct bearing on access to economic and political resources that enhances education facility in women. Another factor that is discussed in this article is the family honor and these are the variables extracted from this article INCOME in terms of FAMILY STATUS. The author defines the variables in such a way that differences among classes are signaled by the extent of control over women which is family honor. In some cases girls may not be permitted to attend middle schools located outside the village because it would injure family honor and compromise marriage over it. In other cases, the attainment of secondary or tertiary education may confer so much prestige on the family that the possible status loss associated with daughters living away from home is offset. Marriage chances may also be enhanced when a daughter is sufficiently educated that she can just read and write her name and which can make her earn minimal amount of living. In Egypt as it is a highly stratified society, formal education for both men and women has long been associated with class and status. Higher education, in particular, has played an important role in the reproduction of the bourgeoisie , although not always in the predicted fashion. In Egypt, not all illiterate women can be presumed to be from poor families; at least some proportion of this group, especially among older women, comes from families that do not permit women contact with the outside world. The overwhelming majority of illiterate or barely literate women, however, are from poor families. The article is base from a comparative regional study in Asia that is now under way and from research in a nearby country (Egypt) that is similar in many respects to the countries included in the regional study. Many of the nations in the ongoing study have large Muslim populations (Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Malaysia) etc. concluding the article female educational participation, especially at higher levels, is a consequence of higher family status rather than a means to upward mobility. Hypothesis: do females have less access to both schooling and employment than males do. This article Muslims, markets, and the meaning of a good education in Pakistan was written by Mattew J. Nelson in (October, 2006) examines the nature of local educational demands in Pakistan and show that parents favor religious education usually for girls. Girls access to education in Pakistan has been restricted. Despite improvements in the last 20 years, underlying factors still make the state education system inefficient and the current male to female literacy ratio is still at 65:40. And this is mainly because people wrongly assume that our religion dont permit girls for normal education. Girls are usually preferred to go to maddrasas which most of the parents in rural areas think is a better and accessible option and more convenient option for them. Furthermore the article describes the market and the meaning of good education in Pakistan. Families of middle class who can afford primary education of girls still prefer sending their girls to religious schools which cost them ver y little and prefer their boys to enjoy all the privilege of higher education because they think that it is in our religion that girls are suppose to stay at home. The variable that was identified from this article is religion (Islam). The author defines the variable in such a way that he himself carried a survey and a Questionnaire in which two type of people were questioned one for whom the local madrasa (Islamic religious school) was most important Secondly parents were selected from a variety of economic circumstance. However the outcome was that out of 112 respondents 91 were in the favor of madras for girls. The article is relevant to the topic in a way that it discusses about the how the choice of religious education for girls is forming a disparity in educational sector of Pakistan. The article mainly discuses the, substantive features of local educational demand and religious demand Hypothesis: is demand in favor of religious education rather than local The article Girls Are Boys Are: Myths, Stereotypes Gender Differences written by Patricia B. Campbell, Ph.D.Jennifer N. Storo in 2006 mainly discuses, how much the gender counts in education the author of this article states that Sex is not a good predictor of academic skills, interests or even emotional characteristics. The author discusses about the different myths that are related to girls for example biologically girls cannot handle the stress of higher education. Due to these myths parents have lower expectations from girls and they become gender biased and the variable that was extracted from this article was MYTHS AND STEREOTYPES. Now author further more discuses why myths persist based on gender and race. The history of myths will explain how author has defined the variable it is a common belief that men are principal producers and bread earners of the family so they should enjoy all the privileges and this is a primary reason why their education was considered more importan t than girls. And it was considered that women are property of husband and her only job is to produce children. Furthermore many of the people use to believe and still many of them do is that women reproductive capacity will destroy if her intellect is going to improve. Which in other words mean that women with better education will not listen to men. For example it was concluded that women in their menstrual cycle if uses their brain lose their mammary functions. This particular article is relevant to the topic in such a way as many of these myths are still believed and practiced in Pakistan when it comes to education specifically. This was both quantitive and qualitative form of research in which graphs, charts and theories were used to measure different type of myths Hypothesis: Is there a biological bias for sex differences The article The Impact of Gender Inequality in Education on Rural Poverty in Pakistan written by Imran shareef chaudray and Saeed ur rahman in 2009. The main purpose of this article was to identify the gender inequality in education on rural poverty in Pakistan. The article basically discuses that gender inequality in education persists in almost all the poor countries and Pakistan is one of those. Strong gender disparities exist in the rural and urban areas of Pakistan. Pakistan is one of those societies in which women suffer all sort of discriminations. There are countless issues of education in Pakistan including low level of investment, cultural constraints, poverty, gender and regional inequalities in budgetary allocation to education, low enrollment rates due to poor condition of public schools, high population growth producing more illiterates and poor, lack of implementation of educational policies. Violence against women, class discrimination, poverty, lack of educational fa cilities, and various parallel education systems in government and private education are the major emerging issues which should be dealt with curriculum reforms and effective educational policies. Above mentioned are all the variables extracted from this article but the major variable that I highlighted is POVERTY. Logit regression analysis on primary data was used to reach the conclusion. However it was concluded that poverty has adverse effects on gender disparity in education. Hypothesis: effect of poverty on education This article DOCUMENT TO DEBATE AND FINALIZE THE NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY written by JAVED HASAN ALY in December 2006 is intended to stimulate discussion of major policy issues concerning Education Sector in Pakistan. The educational status of women in Pakistan is unacceptably low, in fact, amongst the lowest in the world. Development, only 19% of females have attained education upto Matric, 8% upto Intermediate, 5% Bachelors degree and 1.4% achieved a Masters degree. 60% of the female adult population is illiterate. Of the 3.3 million out of school children, 2.503 million are girls. 73.6% of primary age girls attend school, compared with 92.1% of boys. Although education has been seen to add value to a female worker but in Pakistan for female education is considered as a abuse. Different policies have been recommended to eliminate this gender gap in education but the fund allocation and human resources that were provided by the government to implement the policies. So the variables that were extracted from this article are Low level of financial allocation and inefficient utilization of resources. The author describes the variable in such a way that since 1947 the emphasis on girls education is laid down and many policies and reforms have been made to practice it but due to lack of financial resources Pakistan is still facing gender discrimination in education. The article on whole is relevant to the topic because it is discussing the policies and their effect on educational sector of Pakistan The particular article THE FUTURE OF GIRLS EDUCATION IN PAKISTAN written by Dr. Humala Shaheen Khalid Dr. Eshya Mujahid-Mukhtar: August 2002 discuses that although most children do get admitted to primary schools, but the major problem is their retention in primary classes. Given the poverty, high opportunity costs of children attending school (as sometimes they are required to contribute to the familys economic activities or towards daily household chores such as fetching water, fuel or sibling care), parents low perception about education, poor quality of education, teacher absenteeism and/or childs bad health, a very high proportion of students drops out from primary school. Reasons cited for leaving primary school varied between boys and girls. While most boys left school due to child not willing Most girls said they had to help at home. During the past decade, several policy initiatives were undertaken, each with a strong component for improving girls education in the country. Besides two educational policies, namely, the National Education Policy (1992) and the National Education Policy (1998-2010), the Government of Pakistan launched the Social Action Programmed (SAP) in 1993/94 which focused on improving the social indicators for girls and women. But none of these policies was followed properly so the variable that was extracted from this article was lack of of financial allocation and Lack of encouragement by government and lack of school facilities. The government of Pakistan is lacking way behind in providing educational facilities Great care needs to be exercised while portraying the future of girls education in Pakistan. Female education is subjected to the forces of both demand as well as supply barriers such as poverty, lower status of female in society and her security concerns, coupled with lack of school facilities, teaching materials and inadequacy or absence of female teachers. More importantly, there are strong linkages of the education se ctor with other sectors. The Study is based on secondary sources. National statistical sources have been extensively used which include the Population and Housing Census 1998; the Economic Surveys (various issues) and the reports published by the National (and provincial) Education Management and Information System (NEMIS). The Study also relies heavily on other data sources and relevant research reports issued by the Central Bureau of Education, Academy of Educational Planning and Management (AEPAM) and the Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS). Hypothesis: future of girls education in Pakistan This article ROLE OF WOMEN IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF PAKISTAN written by Jehan Qamar in 2000 is about the importance of role of women in economic development. And it contains a lot of information about state of women in education and their employment. This article also lays emphasis on political and cultural instability that is affecting the status of women in Pakistan. And this political and cultural instability are also the variables extracted from the article. Furthermore the article discuses that the implication of cultural norms are affecting the education of women a lot different policies made by the Pakistans government were reviewed before writing this article and whether there implication is active or not and how it is affecting the economy. However it was concluded that the role of women in economic development can be enhanced if women provided with proper education Hypothesis: role of women in economic development of Pakistan The article DISTANCE EDUCATION AS A STRATEGY FOR ELIMINATING GENDER DISPARITY IN PAKISTAN written by à ¢Ã‹â€ -Dr. Irshad Hussain in 2008. The article discuses about the role of distance education in addressing the issue of gender disparity in Pakistan The study was descriptive in nature and the researchers adopted survey approach. The study was conducted in Punjab province. The study consisted on three populations: (i). B.A level female students, (ii). their parents and (iii). academicians of Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad. Researchers adopted stratified and convenient sampling technique for collecting data from students their parents and academicians respectively. The samples of the study comprised of 600 students, 60 parents and 60 academicians .The article starts with describing that gender discrimination is one of the major issue in Pakistan at present as we all know that the Pakistani society is male dominated and males enjoy all the privileges where as female population is a very small and neglected community of Pakistan. Unluc kily gender gap is wide and demands immediate attention to address the issue. However distance education is one of the solutions and incentives which provide girls an opportunity to study even in culturally restricted areas. It can cater educational needs of the society at the doorstep on equal basis and frees learners from time and place restrictions. Keeping in consideration the above characteristics Allama Iqbal University is offering different programs through distanced approach. As a result admission rate has increased specially in Allama Iqbal University. Hypothesis: Is distance education effective or not

Friday, September 20, 2019

Construction Incident Report of Hospital

Construction Incident Report of Hospital Introduction This report looks at incidents that have occurred on a project to extend and refurbish a cancer centre at a North-West Hospital. Assumptions With sectional completion dates, it is taken section cannot commence until the previous section has been completed (Chappell, 2011), with all the incidents relating to section 1. The contractor has issued their master programme as clause of the contract, this programme is not contractually binding but for reference purposes only (Out-law, 2013). Incidents Overhead Cable The overhead cable diversion works do not form part of the contract (Chappell, 2014), clause 2.7.2 of the contract allows the client to undertake works not part of the contract with permission of the contractor and that permission is not to be unreasonable refused (Chappell 2014). Clause 2.27.1 requires the contractor to give notice as soon as they are aware an issue may cause delay (JCT, 2011), this allows the contract administrator to monitor the situation and insure the cable is diverted before any delay occurs (Chappell 2011). Failure to provide notice or late notice may be considered not to comply with clause requiring the use of best endeavours to avoid delay (Chappell 2011). The client relocated the cable prior to the steel erection date thus no delay to the contract works occurred. The contract administrators response notice under clause 2.28.1 it will state that no extension of time is to be granted as no delay materialised. Access The tender information did not include the restrictions detailed in the quality manual, visiting site would not have highlighted these issues to the contractor. This omission of information is a relevant event under clause 2.29.7 as it imposes a new impediment on the contractor not included in the contract, this impediment being under the control of the client (Chappell 2014). However, clause requires the contractor to use best endeavours to prevent delays, and clause requires the contractor to proceed reasonably when a delay occurs (Dunn, 2011).   Knowing after the first meeting of restricted access it is reasonable that the contractor plan work so access is not required on these Thursdays, access for everyone else is still available so works can proceed (Dunn, 2011) Reduced Hours The no machine digging between 2pm and 4pm is different as this occurs every day making re-planning difficult for the contractor, the delay only relates to digging operations and no other site activities. In Amalgamated Building Contractors Ltd v. Waltham Holy Cross Urban District Council [1952] the cause of delays occurred every day, it was held that it was reasonable for the contract administratorto decide on extension of time on completion (ICE 2007). Delays associated with the other incidents are likely to mean that the adjusted completion date is not affected by this issue. Drainage Works Under clause 2.13.2 of the contract the contractor is not responsible for the employers design (Dunn, 2011), clauses 2.14.2 and 2.14.3 allow the correction of any errors in the design with corrections treated as a variation (Cartlidge, 2013). Thus, an instruction is to be issued under clause 3.10 to undertake investigation works and the alteration works being instructed under 3.10.2 requesting a quotation based on the revised design (Dunn, 2011). The investigation works should be valued as clause 5.7.1 daywork rates as the extent of the works would not have been known (Cartlidge, 2013) with the alteration works being valued as clause 5.2.2 and the accepted quotation. A variation is a relevant event under clause 2.29.1, with the drainage alterations solely in the confines of the site preventing any other works from progressing, clause 2.28.1 of the contract requires the contract administrator to issue a fair and reasonable extension of time. The completion date of section 1 should be adjusted by 5 weeks, this can be done even without notice under clause 2.27.1, London Borough of Merton v Stanley Hugh Leach Ltd. 1985 to prevent time going large (Dunn, 2011). Cladding The cladding is an undefined provisional sum, this will mean that the contractor has not allowed for these works in the price or programme (Suttie 2013).   Provisional sums require an instruction from the contract administrator to progress under clause 3.16 and an undefined provisional sum becomes a variation and relevant event under clause 2.29.1 (Brooks et al., 2011). In Walter Lilly Co Ltd v Clin [2016] the court stated that when not defined in the contract the client is responsible for providing sufficient information in time to obtain the required planning consents (Tulloch 2016), delay in issuing any instruction due to planning authorities is the responsibility of the client. When instructed, it should be based on a quotation from the contractor, the works are then valued as clause 5.2.2. The contract administrator needs to consider whether any delay to the cladding works will mean that the works go beyond the previously adjusted completion date of section 1. Cladding Programme and delay Time Weeks Date Task Complete Delay Weeks Revised Design 1 29/08/2014 Foundation works 0 Planning Decision 8 24/10/2014 2-week foundation works 0 5-week delay in steel erection 0 1-week steel erection 0 Quotation 2 7/11/2014 2-weeks steel erection 0 Material ordering 6 19/12/2014 1-week steel erection 5 Installation 4 16/01/2015 4 Total 21 9 Loss and expense Clauses 4.23 to 4.26 of the contract cover loss and expense relating to the delays (Chappell 2011). The current delay is 5 weeks for the drainage and 9 weeks for the cladding, any entitlement to loss or expense must be directly related to the actual timing of the delay (Chappell, 2011). The contractor cannot make an over exaggerated claim for loss as found in C P Haulage v Middleton (1983) the claim for any loss must be justified (RICS, 2015). The average weekly costs for the contractor during the delay were  £4,609, not all costs were non-productive as the investigation works, diversion works and cladding are valued in the contract, members of the site staff would have been carrying out both other on-site works and preparation works for future activities (Chappell, 2011). The contractor must minimise loss due to the delay this includes relocating staff and plant where possible (Chappell, 2011), evidence that relocation had not been possible is required to claim for these items as Shore v Horwitz Construction v Canada Ltd (1964) (RICS, 2015) Security  £650 Light/Power  £125 Sundries  £230 Insurances  £234 Safety Precautions  £123 Weekly Total  £1,362 14 weeks  £19,068 Actual on-site loss to the contractor following the removal of productive items or those that could be reallocate are as follows: The contractor may also claim for office overheads that they cannot divert to new projects during the extra time on-site (Lomas-Clarke, 2014). These losses can be calculated using a formula such as the Emden formula (Lomas-Clarke, 2014) as J F Finnegan v Sheffield County Council (1988) (RICS, 2015) (Overhead and Profit Percentage) 7% x (Contract Sum)  £4,000,000 (Contract Period) 52 Weeks Equals  £5,384 per week x 14-week delay =  £75,376 (Lomas-Clarke, 2014) The total loss and expense claim is  £94,444, for all loss and expense claims the contractor must provide evidence (RICS, 2015) Liquidated Damages The extension of time granted to section 1 adjusted the completion date for this section, if this adjusted date is not met by the contractor then the liquidated damages stated in the contract for section 1 can be claimed by the client (Murdoch Hughes, 1993). On completion of each section the liquidated damages no longer apply to that section going forward (Murdoch Hughes, 1993). Following completion of section 1 section 2 can commence with its original duration that is stated in the contract (Dunn, 2011) if the contractor then fails to meet the adjusted completion date for this section then liquidated damages as stated in the contract can be claimed by the client (Murdoch Hughes, 1993). Conclusion The project has suffered delays which have required adjustment of the contract completion date and allowed a loss an expense claim by the contractor. The contractor is required to proceed at a reasonable pace and if they do not complete by the adjusted completion date the client will be able to claim liquidated damages as set out in the contract.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

religion :: essays research papers

The Religion Of Huckleberry Finn Religion is a simple concept to learn. Webster's dictionary defines religion as: "belief in a divine or superhuman power or powers to be obeyed and worshipped as the creator(s) and ruler(s) of the universe." Although it is understood what religion is, not everyone has the same views. There are numerous varieties and sub-vrieties of religions. In fact, religion can be so diverse that one might say that he or she is of the same religion as another person but the way he or she demonstrates their beliefs may be dramatically different. In the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain, writes about a young boy's growing and maturing experiences one summer as he travels down the Mississippi River. One of the things that this boy, Huck Finn, discovers is how religion affects his lifestyle. Huckleberry Finn's views of religion have an impact on many essential points in the episodic novel. Religion has an effect on three of Huck's major decisions throughout the novel. His religion is tested when he first decides to help Jim run away. His religion is tested when he lies to most of the people he meets traveling down the Mississippi River, and Huckleberry's religion is tested when he decides to help Jim escape from slavery for good. Huckleberry Finn was raised without a strong religious influence. Huck's father being a raging alcoholic, and Huck living mostly on his own, were two of the factors that contributed to this. Pap came to visit him one night and expressed his negative thoughts on school and religion. "First you know you'll get religion, too. I never see such a son" (Twain 20). Despite these warnings, the Widow Douglas continued to teach Huck. Later in the novel, these teaching have consequential effects on Huck. Huck's religious morals are first tested when he decides to help the Widow's slave escape to freedom. During the time that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn took place, slavery was not uncommon. In the beginning of the story,

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Overpopulation Essay -- Earth´s Population

There are 6 billion human beings on the face of the Earth. According to our best estimates, there are somewhere between three and seven times more people than this planet can possibly maintain over a long period of time. Non-renewable resources are being used at an incredible rate, and we are destroying the capability of the planetary ecosystem to renew the supply of renewable resources. The worse however is yet to come. We need to realize the necessity of a population plan which will make our future more optimistic. This plan must be based on the fact that the control of the rapid population growth is necessary globally; otherwise, earth’s environment will be put into greater danger, the overexploitation of natural resources will continue and poverty will rise in most of the world’s countries. Rapid population growth is a huge threat to the environment. We consume materials and energy from earth and then return heat and wastes to earth, but the environment can only handle so much waste before serious effects on humans are seen. As human numbers increase, deterioration of water quality and destruction of animal and plant communities increase too. The serious effects of population growth apply even on the protected locations of this planet. Rapid expansion of human numbers also causes overexploitation of natural resources and provides pressure on food supplies. As a result it will not be long until we observe a remarkable decline in our living standards. Land, forest and wa...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Personality Conflicts in Crow Lake

In the novel Crow Lake by Mary Lawson, the reader learns how personalities and habits can either tear families apart or keep them together. Luke the oldest brother and Mat the youngest both learn how to use their opposite personalities to run a successful household. Yet have advantages and disadvantages to their characters. Luke being the oldest he feels that he is responsible for his siblings, but his habits clearly show that he cannot raise them on his own. He was still holding onto the fact that he was able to take care of them. First off, Luke has a laid back attitude.He thinks that everything is going to work itself out and that he does not have to worry about a thing. This kind of attitude has both advantages and disadvantages. One of the benefits was the time that he had to be with his two little sisters. This is evident as he stays home a lot and does not toss them between neighbors to be babysat. Luke’s personality also showed a very optimistic aspect. After Luke anno unced that he was not going to go away to teachers college and that he was going to stay home and get a job, Matt and Aunt Annie were trying to convince him not to make that decision he said; â€Å"I know I can do it.I know it wouldn’t be easy, but neighbors would help and everything. We’d work it out. I know I can do it† (77). Next Luke is very nonchalant about money and job opportunities. This is mainly how Matt and Luke collided. Their attitude about money and jobs were very different. Lawson writes about many fights the brothers have had over one being too stressed or the other not being apprehensive enough. For example, Lawson explains in Kate’s point of view, â€Å"Luke losing his job, for instance; I know that worried mat a lot more than it did Luke.Not that Luke wasn’t concerned, but ever since the day he’d decided to stay home and look after us, he seemed to have an unshakeable faith that everything would work out alright†¦ bu t I think that calm certainty of his drove Matt mad and that was a major cause of the increasing friction between them† (163-164). This quote proves how opposite Luke and Matt really are. The conflict between them always starts when Matt becomes consciously worrisome. Finally Luke seems to have a way of somehow making everything workout.For instance, Luke got a job offer to clear two acres of forestry but he turned it down because; â€Å"he’d said he was going to stay with [Bo] for a year, and he was going to stay with her for a year† (209). Now, â€Å"Luke’s irrationality paid off in the end, almost as if destiny were bending to his will† (210). He ends up accepting the job because Mrs. Stanovich generously offers to help out. â€Å"Two afternoons a week she could look after the girls, do a bit of cooking, maybe a bit of cleaning†¦the Lord had spoken to her and she was going to do his will† (211-212).Matt’s traits display a very realistic person and the ability to foresee problems. To begin with, Matt’s personality causes agitation with Luke as well as helpfulness. If Matt hadn’t thought of the problems in situations, he wouldn’t have been able to help solve them. â€Å"We’ve got to do something, Luke. We’re going through Dad’s money so fast† (175). Secondly, Matt forced the reality that there was no possible way he could go to university. Luke would have been unable to take care of the girls and work at the same time.So Matt got a job at the Hudson Bay Store and enforced a routine. He quotes, â€Å"Even if we make it through this year, how are you going to manage when I leave? It’s impossible. One of us has to work and one of us has to stay home that’s the only way† (178). To end, that Matt stayed at home was a help for Kate who had a strong need to be with her brother. Kate looked up to Matt as a role model. She admired everything about him. It was hard enough on her the news of her parents death, she didn’t need him gone too.Matt became Kate’s best friend and much of what she accomplished in her future was because of Matt. She became a biologist because of all the time they spent at the ponds and Matt teaching Kate about nature. â€Å"Our visits to the ponds, which had formed such a fundamental part of my life†¦The interest which Matt had sparked had developed by then into a deeper curiosity †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (218). Matt’s role is huge in this novel. He affects every character in a great way. Luke and Matt’s differences also have a major impact on their little sisters.For starters, their fights stole some of Kate and Bo’s innocence. The brothers had not learned to solve problems in a healthy manner and so the girls had witnessed multiple fights that scared them. An example of one of the fights is; â€Å"I sat rigid, not breathing. There was a crash in the living room and the y started shouting again. Bo†¦stood there†¦watching them†¦ I looked down and saw Bo shaking so that even her hair seemed to vibrate†¦Her mouth wide open and tears pouring down her face but she wasn’t making any sound. She was so brave, Bo. I thought nothing could frighten her† (179-181).Next toward the end of the novel Luke and Matt seemed to level out and learn how to resolve conflict. They had to be threatened to be separated from their sisters in order to shape up the way they were acting. They started working together to hold back their tongues when they wanted to fight back. Dr Christopherson says: â€Å"What had happened in front of [Kate and Bo] must never happen again. [He] said that as much as he would hate to do it, if he ever had any reason to suspect a repeat†¦he would have no choice but to contact Aunt Annie†(207).In conclusion, the reader learns that opposite personalities eventually brought the Morrison family together. Eve n though it is not potent in the novel that they consciously acknowledge the fact that they are vastly and uniquely different, it is clear that they only wanted to do all they could to stay in Crow Lake with their sisters. Just like Luke quotes multiple times â€Å"something will turn up†. Indeed, something did show up every time. Luke’s laid back attitude really worked itself out in the end. Just like Matt’s ability to see things for what they really are. They finally managed to run a successful household.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Mayans

[pic] By Chandler Anschutz Standard to be covered by this project: Describe the diverse characteristics of early American Civilizations and societies in North, Central, and South America by comparing and contrasting the major aspects (government, religion, interactions with the environment, economy, and social life) of American Indian civilizations and societies such as the Maya, Aztec, Inca, Pueblo, and/or Eastern Woodland peoples. [pic] Rise and Fall of the Mayans The Maya people lived from 11,000 B. C. to almost 1500 A. D. At 11,000 B. C. he first hunter-gatherers settle into the Maya Highlands. According to Mayans Long Count Calendar the creation of the world takes place in 3114-3113 B. C. In the year 2000 B. C. the Olmec civilization is on the rise, the root of many traditions in the Mayan Culture. 700 B. C. Maya people form a written language of a form of hieroglyphics. The Mayan script is logosyllabic combining about 550 logograms (which represent whole words) and 150 syllabog rams (which represent syllables). There were also about 100 glyphs representing place names and the names of gods.Only about 300 of these glyphs were commonly used. In 300 B. C. the Mayans adopted the idea of a hierarchical society ruled by nobles and kings. The city of Teotihuacan is founded in 100 B. C. and becomes the center of culture, religion and trading in Mesoamerican for centuries. The Mayan people learned to farm the harsh tropical land. As populations grew, they adopted more intensive methods of cultivation including composting, terracing, and irrigation. They filled in swamps to creating fields and used silt and muck from bottomlands to fertilize enclosed gardens.Artificial ponds gave a place to hold fish, and corrals held deer and other game flushed from the forest. Their settlements grew into large city-states and with the city-states came large palaces and temples. They were very artistic; they made ceramics, murals, and sculptures. They understood the concept of zero and formed a very extensive hieroglyphic form of writing. Their year had 365 days to it and they even had made the leap year correction. They predicted solar eclipses, watched the stars, and even had their temples built so that at a certain time of year they’d face the sunrise or sunset exactly.The Mayans were led by Maya Kings, who got their power from the gods. They were both priests, interpreting religion and as leaders in times of peace and war. These kings would perform public rituals giving metaphysical meaning to the movement of the heavens, changing calendars, and even royal succession. Besides the spiritual rituals the Maya cities functioned just as a normal city would trading, fighting, making alliances, and gaining/losing land. Waka, a Maya city had become a large center of trade. Goods like jade, obsidian, and pyrite even made it to the Mayans.Waka also had a tributary to the San Pedro, it was sheltered and had room to lodge large canoes. The Mayans also invented a type of flak jacket. It was a cotton vest, stuffed with rock salt. A guy by the name of Fire is Born led an army toward Waka in means to gain reinforcements. Fire is Born was sent to conquer Tikal. With his new found reinforcements from Waka it took him a week to reach Tikal and conquer them. Fire is Born became the cities new overlord. Following Fire is Born’s take over of Tikal, Tikal itself started to expand. In the year 800 A. D.Cancun was overrun by invaders. These invaders took 31 royal hostages into the court yard, probably members of the royal family, and systematically decapitated every one of them. The king of Cancun was not spared, nor was his wife or children. The invaders took none of the riches or valuable items of the city, instead they defaced all of the monuments and toppled them face down. Almost every city was met by its end in this way or simply faded out of existence. Nobles abandoned palaces; even the homeless who had come to live in the palaces event ually abandoned them.The downfall of the Maya civilization can not be put of one simple yet terrible event. The collapse is due to many possible problems that could have damaged the empire. Resources grew scarce; kings with religious rituals lost their luster, leading instability and desperation to fuel destruction warfare. These problems may have been the cause of the fall of the Mayan civilization. There is not one exact known reason for the end of the Mayans and is for now still a mystery. |  [pic] |[pic]   |  [pic]   [pic] | |  IMIX |  IK' |AK'BAL |K'AN | |ee mesh |eek' |ok bol   |k' on   | |waterlily, world |wind |night-house |maize | |  [pic] |  [pic] |[pic]   |  [pic] | |  CHIKCHAN |  KIMI |MANIK' |LAMAT | |cheek chon |kee me |ma neek' |la mot   | |snake |death |  hand |Venus | |[pic]   |  [pic] |  [pic] |[pic]   | |  MULUK' |OK |  CHUEN |  EB | |mul ok' |ak   |chew in |eb | |water |dog |monkey |tooth | |  [pic] |  [pic] |[p ic]   |  [pic] | |BEN |IX |MEN |KIB | |ben   |eesh   |men   |keeb   | |reed |jaguar |eagle |soul | |  [pic] |  [pic] |  [pic] |[pic]   | |KABAN |ETZ'NAB |KAWAK |AHAW | |kah bon |ehts' nob   |kah wok   |ah how   | |earth   |flint, knife |storm |Lord |These symbols were the symbols the Mayans used to represent the 20 days of their month. With each symbol are their Yucatec names, pronunciation and approximate translation. These are the Mayan words for units of time: Day = Kin (keen) Month of 20 days = Uinal (wee nal) Year of 360 days = Tun (toon) 20 Tuns = K'atun (k' ah toon) 20 K'atuns = Baktun (bock toon) [pic] This is a picture of Hunab Ku. He is the supreme god of the Mayans religion. He is also the creator god. He is the Mayan equivalent for Greeks Zeus. Hunab Ku has power over the other gods. [pic] This is Cizin, the Mayan god of death. He would be a darker equivalent of the Greeks Hades.He requires a brutal sacrifice such of decapitation. Some of the religious rituals Maya Kings performed were sacrifices to this god to keep his wrath at bay. [pic] Kinich Ahau, the Mayan sun god. He brought the sun across the sky. He was an important god to the Mayans; they needed the sun to grow their crops. Sacrifices were also made to this particular god so he’d continue to bring the sun out. [pic] The Mayan god of rain and lightning, Chac, was also very important to the Maya. He brought rain to water the crops. Sacrifices were made to him to continue bringing the rain and to not use lightning against the Mayans. Chac played an important role in the Mayan religion. [pic]This is an ancient Mayan temple in Cancun. From the Mayan Classic Period, 300-900 A. D. this temple was used as a site for religious rituals. These rituals, performed by the king of the city, would have been sacrifices to the gods. Many gods were sacrificed to for the Mayans believed that the gods would be kind to them and help them if they had been sacrificed in return. [pic] This is a map of where the Maya Civilization lived. This part of the world is the southern end of Mexico and Guatemala. The sites shown on the map are locations of Mayan cities and villages. There were many of cities in Central America. [pic] This is a Mayan Ruins site. It’s the site of Tikal, a great city.Fire is Born conquered this city just a week after gaining reinforcements at Waka. This city later went on the offensive and expanded. [pic] These are the ruins of Chichen Itza. Chichen Itza was a large city of the Mayans. The temple would have been of great religious importance. Many a sacrifice would have taken place within those walls. [pic] This is a temple from Uxmal, an ancient Mayan city. This temple would have been used as a religious place used for rituals and sacrifices. Mayans sacrificed people to the gods in return for peace and aid with whatever happened to be the problem at the moment. Bibliography †¢ â€Å"The Mayan Civilization Timeline. † Mexconnect. 01 Jan 2008. Web. Jan 2010. . †¢ Criscenzo, Jeeni. â€Å"The Maya. † The Maya. Web. 8 Jan 2010. . †¢ Ager, Simon. â€Å"Mayan Scipt. † Omniglot. Web. 8 Jan 2010. . †¢ â€Å"The Mayan Calendar. † Web Exhibits. IDEA, Web. 8 Jan 2010. . †¢ â€Å"The Mayas. † Minnesota State University. Web. 8 Jan 2010. . †¢ â€Å"The Mayas. † Civilizations in America. Web. 8 Jan 2010. . †¢ â€Å"Mayan History Timeline. † One World Journeys. Web. 8 Jan 2010. . †¢ â€Å"The Mayan History. † Mayan Indians. Web. 8 Jan 2010. . †¢ â€Å"The Rise and Fall of the Mayan Empire. † Science at NASA. Web. 8 Jan 2010. . †¢ Gugliotta, Guy. â€Å"Maya Rise and Fall. † National Geographic. 01 Aug 2007. Web. 8 Jan 2010. .