Monday, August 26, 2019

Peer review suggestions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Peer review suggestions - Essay Example Thus, all people require effective care and treatment. However, treatment may be hindered by various factors. One of the major factors is religion. The world has more than a dozen religions with each having different perception and approaches to health. Therefore, nurses need to understand the religious views concerning health before attending to patients. Among the main religious groups in the world are Christianity and Buddhism. Christianity is one of the oldest religions in the world with over 30% of the world’s population being Christians. Christians believe in God and His son Jesus Christ. Christianity has evolved gradually into two major groups; Catholicism and Protestants. However, the beliefs of the two groups are similar despite the differences in worship. Christian views resonate in healthcare and has a direct impact on the health care system. The Christian worldview can be better exposed through the worldview questions. Christians believe that the prime reality is that God exists and omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient. God has the companionship of the Holy Spirit and the Son, Jesus Christ. All creatures came into being from his will and power; thus, all creatures are obligated to bow and worship him at all times (Shelly & Miller, 2009). Christians believe that the omnipotence of God is enough to heal them of any illnesses. Hence, Christianity has a direct impact on the nursing practice. The holy Bible stipulates that God created the world and everything in it. He created a complex system with a variety of creatures, many of which scientist have not named yet. However, humans have the power to influence the world around with aspects such as pollution and deforestation. God separated us from the sea and put living creatures in both masses. It follows that God controls the world. The orderly nature of the world, ecosystems, and natural environment prove that they must have

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