Sunday, January 5, 2020

Comparing Government Systems Parliament and Presidential...

Comparing Government Systems: Parliament and Presidential To start with, what is a parliament and presidential system of Government? A parliamentry system of government is that government that is headed by the Head of Government who gets into power by direct vote of confidence of the Parliament.E.g Britain, A presidential system of Government is a system of government where the executive branch is elected seperately from the legistative branch. This differs from the Parliamentry system because there is no vote of confidence and the citizenry of the counrty elect those they want as their leader.E.g America, Nigeria and most Southe American counties e.t.c. On the question of which is a better†¦show more content†¦This, I think is unfair and unjust and that everyone should be given a chance to vote for whom they want as their leader which the presidential form of govenment provides. BOTH SIDES OF THE ARGUMENT PRESIDENTIAL 1. In a presidential system, the central principle is that the legislative and executive branches of government should be separate. 2 It is extremely rare for the president to have the power to directly propose laws, or cast a vote on legislation. 3. A president is highly identifiable and accountable to voters. 4. In this system, there is a greater degree of choice for voters. 5. A president shows stability and continuity of policy- making. 6. In this system, there is centralization of authority in one person. 7. Its been noticed that this system brings about majoritarianism which is associated to democratic failure. PARLIAMENTARY 1. This system of government is inclusive of all groups within the executive unlike the presidential system. 2. There is flexibility in this government as coalitions can change without a new appraoch to election. 3. This system helps to unify the executive and legislative arms of government through checks and balances as the executive is dependent on theShow MoreRelatedParliamentary and Presidential Systems Essay1621 Words   |  7 PagesWhen looking at the different political systems across the world, parliamentary and presidential systems can be seen as two eminent and highly successful democracy as used most famously by Britain the United States respectively. Due to their difference in the system of governing, the role of an Australian Prime Minister may vary from that of an American President. Thus, differentiation of the system may incur a verity of responsibility and privilege that one and another desire to hold. FirstRead MoreWhat Are the Most Important Differences Between Parliamentarism, Presidentialism and Semi-Presidentialism and What Political Implications Follow from These Differences?1668 Words   |  7 Pagespolitical implications follow from these differences? 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