Monday, October 7, 2019

Case portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Case portfolio - Essay Example iii. Compact Disk: This disk similar to the first evidence could have been used to store data which might have appertained to the pending case. This disk can also be preserved in a tamper proof evidence material/bag while awaiting transportation to the law enforcement agency or pending analysis. iv. The Hard Disk Drive: This material is always used to store all the information in a computer system. As the primary storage source, this evidence could reveal most of the data required in determining this case. In storing this, the data in the drive can be copied to another independent one for precautionary reasons. The disk should also be stored in a tamper proof material awaiting analysis or transfer to the law enforcement agency. v. The telephone: Mr. Didit might have used this phone for his communications and as such this item would be major evidence in the case. The call history should be tapped and stored in a safe and permanent place. Obtaining the call logs will reveal the information he was communicating and the recipients of the same and whether in his communications he talked of child pornography at all. The internal memory of the phone should be able to reveal all the evidence pertaining to this case if there is any made. vi. The computers: Since it is the computers that were mainly used in the major communications, these computers in the office provide crucial evidence as to the validity of the case. Together with their components, they should be analyzed to determine the information in their internal memories and as well be kept safely without being moved by unauthorized personalities. I secured the computers and components and transported the same to the law enforcement authority. vii. The computer mouse: This is used to input specific commands especially when accessing file. The fingerprints of the user can be traced on it which can then

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